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Dr Alan Ma awarded prestigious immigration law position by Legal’s Finest –
the sole selection for the UK’s Immigration Law category.
馬博士榮獲Legal’s Finest中著名的移民法律師–英國移民法中唯一被推薦的律師和移民法專家
We are pleased to announce that a top referral and legal awards service provider, Legal’s Finest, has nominated Dr Alan Ma for their prestigious Immigration Law position in the UK. The award is granted to only one lawyer in each practice area per country and Dr Ma is the sole selection for the UK’s Immigration Law category. It therefore stands testament to the outstanding reputation Dr Ma has established since he begun to practice Immigration Law in 2003. As a Legal’s Finest Recommended Attorney and Immigration Law Expert, Dr Ma’s nomination will feature in the Legal’s Finest Annual Guide Book, to be distributed worldwide amongst members of the legal and business profession. Click the below link to read Dr Ma’s full profile on the Legal’s Finest website:
我們很榮幸宣布頂尖推薦及法律獎項評選服務的機構- Legal’ s Finest提名馬博士為英國著名的移民法律師。該獎項在每個國家的每個業務領域只授予一位律師,而馬博士是英國移民法中唯一的選擇。由此,它證明了馬博士自2003年開始實踐移民法迄今已經建立了卓越的名聲。
作為一個Legal’ s Finest 推薦的律師和移民法專家,馬博士的提名將特刊在Legal’ s Finest 的年度參考書中,會在全世界在法律和商業專業人士廣為傳播。點擊以下的連結可閱讀馬博士在Legal’ s Finest網站上的個人檔案:
Maxwell Alves Solicitors is a law firm based in Central London, Edinburgh and Hong Kong. All our offices are approved and regulated by the relevant local professional bodies. The two London offices and Edinburgh office are authorised by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and Law Society of Scotland respectively. The Hong Kong office is a registered foreign law firm with the Law Society of Hong Kong and practises English Law. The firm frequently acts in cross-jurisdiction matters in the UK and China and is also a key player in the provision of legal services in property investment for clients across Far East Asia.
For more information about Maxwell Alves, please visit :
www.maxwellalves.com | www.mascotlandlaw.com | www.brazillawlondon.com | www.chinalawlondon.com
Dr Alan Ma to speak at OPP Live Asia, Singapore, 24 April 2014
Founder and partner of Maxwell Alves Solicitors, Dr Alan Ma has been invited as a speaker at OPP Live Asia, Singapore. This is a unique event focused solely on bringing together top names in the international property industry.
You are cordially invited to join us at the event on Thursday, 24 April 2014 at Marina Bay Sands.
Maxwell Alves Solicitors is a law firm with offices in Central London and Edinburgh. The firm frequently undertakes cross-jurisdictional work in the UK / China / South Korea / Taiwan / Malaysia / Singapore / Brazil and is also a key player in the provision of legal services for overseas buyers for properties in the UK.
PRESS RELEASE From Maxwell Alves Solicitors 31/03/2014 Dr Alan Ma of Maxwell Alves Solicitors will speak atOPP Live, Central Hall Westminster, London on 27th & 28th November 2013 on(a) Marketing successfully in China and (b) Regulation around the world Dr Alan Ma, founder and partner of Maxwell Alves Solicitors, is a keynote speaker at the forthcoming OPP Live annual event on the above two topics.OPP Live programmes dedicate to international property industry and this year’s annual event will take place on 27th and 28th November 2013 at Central Hall Westminster, London. You are cordially invited to join us on both days. Delegate passes can be bought from OPP Live by following the link http://www.opp-live.com/buy-delegatepasses/Maxwell Alves Solicitors is a law firm based in Central London and Glasgow. The firm frequently acts in cross-jurisdiction matters in the UK and China and is also a key player in the provision of legal services in property investment for clients across Far East Asia.For more information about the firm and its services, please visitwww.maxwellalves.com, www.mascotlandlaw.com, www.brazillawlondon.com and www.chinalawlondon.com . Maxwell Alves Solicitors opens new office in Scotland

Maxwell Alves Solicitors opens new office in Scotland
30 August 2013
Maxwell Alves Solicitors, a firm of solicitors based in Central London, announced today that it has opened a new office in Glasgow, Scotland. Since it was founded in 2003, the firm quickly established itself as an English firm of solictors with an international dimension, particularly China and Brazil. More recently, the firm is representing more than 200 clients in advancing claims relating to properties purchased in Cyprus. This expansion is another step in the firm’s progressive growth and is now being formally recognised as a Multi-national Practice.
Mr Angus Logan, W.S., who has been a partner or senior level lawyer in several successful legal ventures in the past thirty years, will be heading up Maxwell Alves’ operations in Scotland. The firm’s choice of location is particularly important for its UK expansion plans, adding to the recent news that Scots born Mr Daniel Cheung, current Partner at Maxwell Alves, has been made a dual-qualified lawyer for both England and Scotland.
“Mr Logan has a wealth of experience at senior level and we are proud to have him as our resident Partner in Glasgow,” said Mr Daniel Cheung, adding “we are very excited to welcome him to our team.” Prior to joining Maxwell Alves, Angus Logan advised clients on numerous legal projects and law reforms in and out of Scotland, has handled high value litigations cross-border with Dutch, French and American lawyers and also serves as the Scottish Secretary of the Pan European Organisation of Personal Injury Lawyers.
Mr Logan said of his own appointment, “I am delighted to be joining such a thriving firm as Maxwell Alves Solicitors. The firm is ideal for expanding into Scotland due to its current international reach,and from speaking to the firm’s partners, I am confident that I will quickly become an active member of the team.”
Dr Ma, Founder and Partner of Maxwell Alves, commented, “We are extremely pleased to welcome Angus to the team and see his appointment as very valuable for our future growth. Daniel and I conducted a rigorous recruitment process and we are sure that Angus will enjoy working with us and will easily adapt to the firm’s ethos. We are excited that our new Glasgow office will enable us to respond to client demands coming from Scotland.”
The address for the new office is: 2 West Regent Street, Glasgow, G2 1RW, Tel: 0141 301 1650), Email: Scotland@maxwellalves.com
PRESS RELEASEMaxwell Alves wins award on World Refugee Day 2013
Every year the United Nations and countless civic groups across the globe celebrate World Refuge Day on June 20th The awareness of this event continues to grow, as tributes and celebrations this year were paid to organisations and individuals for their courage and effort in fighting discrimination, unlawfulness and violence.Partners of Maxwell Alves, Dr Alan Ma and Daniel Cheung were honoured to accept awards for their work on Refugee Rights in a charitable dinner hosted by Sheikh Mohammed Ben Rashid Alhashimi, Chairman of Truth TV Channel. The dinner was held at London Marriott, Marble Arch to commemorate World Refuge Day.Maxwell Alves has over 10 years of experience dealing with immigration matters and Human Rights cases. The firm prides itself on helping to keep families united and reunite them, whilst also allowing individuals to pursue and establish a better quality of life.Law in immigration under the refugee area is complex and demands up-to-date international knowledge. This award reflects Maxwell Alves’ ever expanding immigration practice in breadth and depth.
Shanghai Justice Delegation visited Maxwell Alves Solicitor上海司法局赴英国考察团蒞临参观伦敦马兆融博士律师行 上海司法局赴英国考察团,将于本周五 (14号)上午10时,蒞临参观伦敦马兆融博士律师行,进行经验交换与访谈。此次考察的目的为就英国体制下,医疗纠纷的受理、调解和仲裁方面,进行学习与交流。本行的马兆融博士以及掌理我们苏格兰地区事务的法律顾问Angus Logan将一同就英国法制下纠纷调解的流程, 为我们来自上海的贵宾们,进行解说与比较。对于此次的参访,我们深感荣幸。这亦是对马兆融博士律师行近十年来,致力服务于英国华人社群的努力的一种高度的肯定与鼓舞!

Maxwell Alves Going Global 前进全球马兆融博士律师行 以法律专家的身份参与在本月,6月6,7日在 伦敦 ExCel 盛大展开的 Going Global 前进全球的展会。在为期两天的展会中,本所创始人 马兆融博士 以“在中国经商”为题的座谈会受到与会者们热烈的回響。

Maxwell Alves won another immigration appealMaxwell Alves acted for a Nigerian national who made an application for a permanent stay in the UK, which was refused. As a consequence, he was faced with a deportation order. The 17 page judgment states that Maxwell Alves won on grounds of Article 8 human rights and under EEA Regulations 2006.Young London lawyer named as ‘Rising Star’, 3 April 2013 OPP Connect – Overseas Property Professional community websiteNews : A young London lawyer has been officially named as a Rising Star of the industry by the Super Lawyers magazine.
We are pleased to announce that Mr Daniel Cheung, a partner of Maxwell Alves Solicitors, has been selected by Thomson Reuters for the 2013 London Rising Stars List. The list is published in the Law Society Gazette, Telegraph Magazine and Super Lawyers Business. Thomson Reuters is an international media and information company, providing data and insight in financial, business, legal, and technology sectors, as well as world news.我们很高兴地宣布,马兆融博士律师行的合伙人 张达扬先生,获选名列于Thomson Reuters 路透社 “2013年伦敦之曜升新星”。此名单公布于Law Society Gazette,Telegraph Magazine和Super Lawyers Business。Thomson Reuters 路透社 为一国际媒体资讯公司,专事提供金融,商务,法律及科技业内数据与资讯。Temos o prazer de anunciar que o Sr. Daniel Cheung, um parceiro da Maxwell Alves Advogados, foi selecionado pela Thomson Reuters para a Lista de Estrelas em Ascensão- London 2013 (2013 London Rising Stars List). A lista é publicada na Law Society Gazette, Telegraph Magazine and Super Lawyers Business. A Thomson Reuters é uma das maiores mídias internacionais de informação sobre empresas, fornecendo dados e insights de negócios financeiros, jurídicos e de setores de tecnologia, bem como notícias do mundo.This is public recognition of Mr Cheung’s professional achievements to date and is an endorsement of his abilities. Mr Cheung started as a trainee at the firm and quickly developed into a highly skilled professional in his own right. He is a Solicitor-Advocate with rights of audience at all levels of Courts in England and Wales, and is dual qualified in Scotland as a Solicitor and Notary Public.这是对张先生的专业成就及能力的公开认可。张先生由起初在本行实习,迅速发展成为一位高度熟练之专业人员。他是英格兰和威尔士出庭律师,并拥有苏格兰律师和公证人的双重资格。Este é o reconhecimento público das realizações profissionais de Daniel e é um endosso de suas habilidades. Daniel começou como estagiário na empresa e rapidamente evoluiu para um profissional altamente qualificado. Ele é um advogado hábil para representação em audiências de todos os níveis de tribunais da Inglaterra e País de Gales e é duplamente qualificado na Escócia, como advogado e tabelião.The Rising Stars List is compiled by an independent body and Mr Cheung’s nomination is a testimony to just how far he stands out from the crowd. This reflects the firm’s ethos too; we stand out from the average law firm with our strong set of specialist areas, striving to achieve the best outcome for every client.伦敦曜升之新星名单是由一独立的机构所编选,张先生的受到提名正是他由众人中脱颖而出的最佳见证。这是也是本行的写照,我们强势精练的专业风格,亦让我们有别于一般的律师事务所,继续努力地为每一位客户争取最佳的权益。A Lista de Estrelas em Ascensão é compilada por órgão independente e a nomeação de Daniel é evidência de seu destaque. Este é o espírito da empresa que está acima da média dos demais escritórios de advocacia graças ao nosso forte conjunto de profissionais especializados em diversas àreas e que se esforçam para alcançar o melhor resultado para cada cliente.Mr Cheung’s desire to continue his development as a legal professional sets a great example to his colleagues at Maxwell Alves Solicitors. His achievements reflect the firm’s dedication to nurturing talent in all its staff. We will continue to build on this success and deliver quality legal services to our clients. More information about us and our other news can be found at www.maxwellalves.com.张先生期于继续精进他作为一位法律专业人士的角色,以为本行同仁们立下一个很好的典範。他的成就亦反映了本行在竭诚培育人才方面的努力。我们将继续在这一成功的基础上,为我们的客户提供优质的法律服务。更多关于本行的信息,可供浏览于www.maxwellalves.com。O desejo de Daniel em continuar seu desenvolvimento como profissional jurídico define grande exemplo para seus colegas na Maxwell Alves Advogados. Suas conquistas refletem a dedicação da empresa para o desenvolvimento do talento de seus funcionários. Vamos continuar a crescer e oferecer serviços jurídicos de qualidade aos nossos clientes. Mais informações sobre nós e outras notícias podem ser encontradas em www.maxwellalves.com

Dr Ma recently commented on an article published by OPP Connect, a specialist real estate network.To read the article and Dr Ma’s comments, please click hereOver the years, we have always committed to provide quality legal service in various practice areas, and continue our efforts to expand our service to different jurisdictions. Please follow the below links to read our recent success on expanding our service on a global scale.Maxwell Alves is reaching New Zealand, Dec 2012Maxwell Alves and Prestige Lawyer are pleased to announce the formation of an alliance between the two firms to provide a truly global legal service to clients.Prestige Lawyers is a firm based in Auckland, New Zealand and Maxwell Alves Solicitors is a firm based in London, United Kingdom. Both firms are authorised and regulated by their respective law societies and are unique in serving clients with connections in China for business, trade and immigration.Maxwell Alves expands in Scotland, Dec 2012We are pleased to announce, Mr Daniel Taut Yang Cheung, Partner Designate of Maxwell Alves, has qualified to be a lawyer in Scotland in addition to his existing practice as an English solicitor-advocate.