Maxwell Alves Solicitors and Vertice Services are pleased to invite you to:
Commercial and Residential Property Seminar
Wednesday 24 July 2013 from 18:00 to 20:00
– Commercial Leases
– Residential Property
– Tax issues relating to property acquisition
Maxwell Alves and Vertice Services will be offering a seminar on the above topics to the Brazilian communities. Maxwell Alves solictors have been serving the Brazilian communities since 2003. With the aim to disseminate our knowledge for the benefits of Brazilian who work and live in England, we are hosting a commercial and residential property seminar in our offices in Central London that will take place in July.
Commercial Property
In this seminar we shall discuss the importance of obtaining legal advice when buying a lease or on the grant of a new lease. We always recommend that legal advice is obtained during the lease negotiations, rather than after the heads of terms have been signed.
We will also discuss the importance of compliance with the terms of the Lease and consequences of non-compliance.
Residential Property
- In this seminar we will be going through a basic transaction.
- The importance of searches
- Ownership (Joint Tenants and Tenants in Common)
One of the main tax issues which arise when buying a property is the stamp duty.
SEMINAR DETAILWhen: Wednesday 24 July 2013, 6pm – 8pmWhere: Maxwell Alves Solicitors, 75 Farringdon Road, London EC1M 3JYThe nearest Tube / Train station: Farringdon(Hammersmth Line, Metropolitan Line, Circle Line, First Capital Connect)Buses: 63, 55, 243, 17, 45, 153, 25, 521, 8, 242Nearby parking: Saffron Hill NCP (next door)TO REGISTERThe seminar is free. Due to the limited number of spaces, please contact Keury Liston – and Daniela Antunes – to reserve your places and also provide questions that you would like us to answer for you! There will be free refreshments!Telephone numbers: 02076326958 / 02076326950 Maxwell Alves and OSSC Joint Seminar 联合座谈会Your Need to Know on PSW Tier 1 £50K Visa 5万英镑签证申请需知Date日期: Wednesday, 17 July 2013Time 时间: 6:30 pm to 8: 30 pmVenue 场地: OSSC 中留服, Forsyth Business Centre,1 Eversholt Street,Euston, LONDON NW1 2DNFollowing changes in immigration legislation, Post Study Work (or PSW) visa has now been discarded. However, a route has been set up to make it possible for those already on this type of visa to apply to remain in the UK. PSW current holders may consider applying for the new Tier 1 PSW Entrepreneur visa.学习后工作签证(PSW)的废除,为近来重大移民法规变革中的一项。然而,对于那些已经持有此类别签证的申请者,新规下所制定的PSW创业家签证,为欲继续留在英国的PSW持有者,提供了一个不同的考量路线。As part of their new collaboration Maxwell Alves and OSSC are presenting a seminar explaining the changes and the details of the new Tier 1 PSW Entrepreneur visa, and clarifying the application process.做为马兆融博士律师行与中留服OSSC合作计划的一部份, 我们将结合双方在各自领域的专业知识,在本座谈会中,就移民法规的变革,PSW创业家签证的细节与申请过程作一精辟的解析。We are pleased to invite you to our seminar which will take place at Maxwell Alves’s office at central London. For more information and free registration, please write to我们盛情邀请您至本行参与此座谈会。更多讯息与报名请洽:Vivian Zhang: viv@ukuni.netOr please visit our websites:Maxwell Alves: or Student Service Centre: Alves Solicitors is a London law firm with an in-depth knowledge of international matters and a wealth of experience in handling immigration issues for clients from all over the world.马兆融博士律师行是伦敦的一家律师事务所,对国际性事务拥有极深入的了解,在处理来自世界各地客户的移民问题上有极丰富的经验。Overseas Student Service Centre is a leading international consultancy for those wishing to study in the UK. The OSSC provides a range of services to overseas students, from making applications to graduate employment, and has strong links with 86 UK universities.中留服OSSC为一家在业界拥有先驱地位的国际留学咨询公司。中留服OSSC为86所英国大学的官方授权招生机构,并为海外学生提供一系列,从留学申请到毕业生就业等的服务。Maxwell Alves and OSSC Joint Seminar 联合座谈会Your Need to Know on PSW Tier 1 £50K Visa 5万英镑签证申请需知Date日期: Wednesday, 26 June 2013Time 时间: 6pm to 8pmVenue 场地: Maxwell Alves Solicitors, 75 Farringdon Road, London EC1M 3JYFollowing changes in immigration legislation, Post Study Work (or PSW) visa has now been discarded. However, a route has been set up to make it possible for those already on this type of visa to apply to remain in the UK. PSW current holders may consider applying for the new Tier 1 PSW Entrepreneur visa.学习后工作签证(PSW)的废除,为近来重大移民法规变革中的一项。然而,对于那些已经持有此类别签证的申请者,新规下所制定的PSW创业家签证,为欲继续留在英国的PSW持有者,提供了一个不同的考量路线。As part of their new collaboration Maxwell Alves and OSSC are presenting a seminar explaining the changes and the details of the new Tier 1 PSW Entrepreneur visa, and clarifying the application process.做为马兆融博士律师行与中留服OSSC合作计划的一部份, 我们将结合双方在各自领域的专业知识,在本座谈会中,就移民法规的变革,PSW创业家签证的细节与申请过程作一精辟的解析。We are pleased to invite you to our seminar which will take place at Maxwell Alves’s office at central London. For more information and free registration, please write to我们盛情邀请您至本行参与此座谈会。更多讯息与报名请洽:Shena Cheng: s.cheng@maxwellalves.comOr please visit our websites:Maxwell Alves: or Student Service Centre: Alves Solicitors is a London law firm with an in-depth knowledge of international matters and a wealth of experience in handling immigration issues for clients from all over the world.马兆融博士律师行是伦敦的一家律师事务所,对国际性事务拥有极深入的了解,在处理来自世界各地客户的移民问题上有极丰富的经验。Overseas Student Service Centre is a leading international consultancy for those wishing to study in the UK. The OSSC provides a range of services to overseas students, from making applications to graduate employment, and has strong links with 86 UK universities.中留服OSSC为一家在业界拥有先驱地位的国际留学咨询公司。中留服OSSC为86所英国大学的官方授权招生机构,并为海外学生提供一系列,从留学申请到毕业生就业等的服务。GOING GLOBAL LIVE as part of SMP 2013 Sales Management and Performance Exhibition – Excel London 6-7 June 2013Going Global is the top UK national exhibition for businesses that are looking to expand internationally. If you own or manage an SME, this event is an unmissable opportunity for you to network and gain information or assistance in exporting your products or setting up overseas operations – particularly in Europe and the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) markets.Going Global为一特别针对有意进军国际之企业所举办的全国性展会。如果您拥有或管理中小企业,不论您是要建立网络,获取信息,或是寻求关于产品出口及设立海外业务- 尤其是在欧洲和金砖五国(巴西,俄罗斯,印度,中国和南非)市场方面的协助,此展会都将是您不容可错过的好机会。Going Global é a exposição nacional mais visada do Reino Unido para as empresas que buscam expandir internacionalmente. Se você possui ou gerencia uma empresa, este evento é uma oportunidade imperdível para você fazer contatos e obter assistência para exportar seus produtos ou iniciar operações no exterior – sobretudo no mercado europeu nos BRICS (Brasil, Rússia, Índia, China e África do Sul ).Going Global είναι η κορυφή εθνική έκθεση του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου για τις επιχειρήσεις που ψάχνουν να επεκτείνει σε διεθνές επίπεδο. Εάν είστε ιδιοκτήτης ή να διευθύνουν μια ΜΜΕ, η εκδήλωση αυτή είναι ένα που δεν θα πρέπει να χάσετε την ευκαιρία για να δικτυωθούν και να αντλήσουν πληροφορίες ή βοήθεια στην εξαγωγή των προϊόντων σας ή τη δημιουργία δραστηριότητες στο εξωτερικό – ιδιαιτέρως στην Ευρώπη και τις χώρες BRICS (Βραζιλία, Ρωσία, Ινδία, Κίνα και Νότια Αφρική ) αγορές.MAXWELL ALVES is pleased to take part in this exhibition as the legal expert for the C (China) of the BRICS. Some valuable information will be available upon request at the exhibition. Dr Alan Ma, the founder of Maxwell Alves Solicitors will also give talks on both days focusing on the topic of “Doing Business in China”. Maxwell Alves also advise clients on matters relating to Scotland, Brazil and Cyprus.马兆融博士律师行 很高兴以法律专家的身份参与本次展会,为金砖五国中的C(中国)提供一些有价值的信息。本所创始人 马兆融博士,也将在这为期两天的展会中就“在中国经商”的议题以座谈会的方式进行讲解。马兆融博士律师行亦为苏格兰,巴西及塞浦路斯方面事宜提供法律协助。A MAXWELL ALVES ADVOGADOS tem o prazer de fazer parte dessa exibição como experts legais no mercado relacionado à China. Valiosas informações estarão disponíveis sob requerimento durante a exibição. O Dr Alan Ma, fundador da Maxwell Alves Advogados também realizará palestras nos dois dias do evento dando ênfase ao tópico “fazendo negócios na China”. A Maxwell Alves também está apta à aconselhar clientes em assuntos relacionados à Escócia, Brasil e Chipre.MAXWELL ALVES βρίσκεται στην ευχάριστη θέση να λάβουν μέρος σε αυτή την έκθεση ως νομικός εμπειρογνώμονας για τη C (Κίνα) από τις χώρες BRICS. Μερικές πολύτιμες πληροφορίες είναι διαθέσιμες κατόπιν αιτήματος τους στη συγκεκριμένη έκθεση. Ο Δρ Alan Ma, ο ιδρυτής του Maxwell Alves Solicitors θα μιλήσει και τις δύο ημέρες με επίκεντρο το θέμα της «Επιχείρηση στην Κίνα››. Maxwell Alves επίσης συμβουλεύουν τους πελάτες για θέματα σχετικά με τη Σκωτία, τη Βραζιλία και η Κύπρος.We would like to invite you to join us at the exhibition! Find us at Stand G110 !我们盛情邀请您加入我们!蒞临参观我们于G110的展位!Gostariamos de convidá-lo para juntar-se à nós! Encontre-nos no Estande G110 !Θα θέλαμε να σας προσκαλέσουμε να συμμετάσχετε μαζί μας τ��υς στη συγκεκριμένη έκθεση! Βρείτε μας στο Stand G110!For more information, please visit or contact Miss Shena Cheng on Tickets to this event are free and you can Register Here >.如需更多信息,请见 或联系Shena Cheng: 。欢迎索取免费门票> 。Para mais informações favor entrar em contato com Shena Cheng em s.cheng@maxwellalves.comΓια περισσότερες πληροφορίες, παρακαλούμε επικοινωνήστε Shena Cheng στο Εισιτήρια για την εκδήλωση αυτή είναι δωρεάν και μπορείτε να εγγραφείτε εδώVisa Seminars签证申请说明会Date日期: 07 & 14 May 2013Time时间: 14:00-16:00Venue场地: University of CoventryWe are pleased to invite you to our two Visa Seminars which will take place at the University of Coventry. In the seminars, we will focus on various options available for students who wish to extend their stay in the UK.我们盛情邀请学子们参与我们将在5月份于University of Coventry举行的两场签证申请说明会。 会中我们将就各类型之签证申请为同学们进行深入简出的解说。Maxwell Alves Solicitors is a London law firm with an in-depth knowledge of international matters and a wealth of experience in handling immigration issues for clients from all over the world.马兆融博士律师行是伦敦的一家律师事务所,对国际性事务拥有极深入的了解,在处理来自世界各地客户的移民问题上有极丰富的经验。Overseas Student Service Centre is a leading international consultancy for those wishing to study in the UK. The OSSC provides a range of services to overseas students, from making applications to graduate employment, and has strong links with 86 UK universities.中留服OSSC为一家在业界拥有先驱地位的国际留学咨询公司。中留服OSSC为86所英国大学的官方授权招生机构,并为海外学生提供一系列,从留学申请到毕业生就业等的服务。For more information on either firm please visit the websites or feel free to email with any enquiries:详细讯息请浏览我们的网站或与我们联系: Overseas Student Service Centre: Email: visa@ukuni.netMaxwell Alves Solicitors: Email: london@maxwellalves.comDOING BUSINESS WITH THE BRICS: LEGAL AND BUSINESS PERSPECTIVESDATE Friday 19 April 2013VENUE The Regency Room, Charing Cross Hotel, Strand, London, WC2N 5HX, UKDr Alan Ma of Maxwell Alves Solicitors, as a recognised authority, has been invited to participate as a speaker at the Conference Programme: “Doing Business with the BRICS: Legal and Business Perspectives”. This is a full day CPD –accredited conference with 6 CPD points for practising solicitors.Dr Alan Ma will specifically be looking at key legal and commercial considerations in doing business with or in the emerging market of China. This is aimed at and is particularly useful for lawyers, business professionals and business owners who are interested in doing business abroad in China.Dr Alan Ma’s speech will take place at 2:30pm-3:30pm.There will also be a Q & A time and networking opportunities for delegates.Please click for Conference Details and one further Information on registration and the programme.Chinese Investors and Their InvestmentsDate: 31st January 2013Time: 18:00-20:00Venue: Bank of China, 1 Lothbury, London EC2R 7DBOPP (Overseas Property Professional) Property Investor Show Dr Alan Ma joins the experts panel on “Selling Successfully to the Chinese”Date: 11th October 2012Time: 14:00 – 17:00Venue: ExCeL London, Royal Victoria Dock, London E16 1XLImmigration Law Series – £200K Entrepreneur and £1m Investment VisaDate: 25th September 2012Time: 18:30 – 20:00Venue: Maxwell Alves, 75 Farringdon Road, London EC1M 3JYLegal Awareness – Legal Issues on Employibg Foreign WorkersDate: 2nd September 2012Venue: London Chinese Community CentreLegal Awareness – Visa Application for Children, Spouse and Parents to Join Settled Individual in the UK as Family MembersDate: 5th August 2012Venue: London Chinese Community CentreImmigration Law Series – Visa Extension and 10 Years Long Residence ILR Application Date: 31st July 2012Time: 18:30-20:00Venue: Maxwell Alves, 75 Farringdon Road, London EC1M 3JYLegal Awareness – Forfeiture of Commercial LeaseDate: 8th July 2012Venue: London Chinese Community CentreImmigration Law Series – Entry Clearance Application for Family Members Joining You in the UK as Spouse, Children and ParentsDate: 26th June 2012Time: 18:30-20:00Venue: Maxwell Alves, 75 Farringdon Road, London EC1M 3JYImmigration & Property Seminar – Taxation and Legal Aspects of Coming to the UKDate: 30th May 2012Venue: Back of China, 90 Cannon Street, London EC4N 6HAChinese Business in London Workshop – Finding Your Way Through the Maze of UK Immigration RulesDate: 27th March 2012Time: 18:30-20:00Venue: Maxwell Alves, 75 Farringdon Road, London EC1M 3JYStudents’ Seminar – Visas and Employment in the UKDate: 8th March 2012Venue: London School of Economic and Political Science, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE